Problems you’ll face once you start internet marketing

While the traditional ways of marketing such as physical mediums continue to be used, it’s not accessible to every business owner or manager. The skyrocketing costs of using such marketing tactics would discourage anyone, but there’s a lot of hope on the horizon in the form of internet marketing. Unfortunately, traversing through the world of internet marketing can be a bit complicated and intimidating for newcomers. That is why to help you mentally prepare on what to expect when you start marketing your product or service online, here is a list of common problems that you will face. Fortunately, where there are problems there are solutions to dispatch them too.


You might have a website, but is it responsive?

Back in 2015, Google announced a new algorithm update, in which the search engine giant stated that if your website wasn’t made to tailor mobile devices, it would be penalized. What the means is even if the other things check out, it won’t show up in Google’s search results. There are many ways to transform a website into a responsive one. One way is to hire a developer and hand over the entire operation. This method is time-consuming and will cost a lot. However, a less expensive route is to purchase responsive themes from various online marketplaces and immediately turn your website into a responsive beauty.

Not finding time to be active on social media

Promoting a product or service is quite challenging these days thanks to immense competition. When you’re tasked with so many responsibilities, it is often easy to forget that you need to have a social media presence. With so many computers and smartphones logged onto social media networks for countless hours, it’ll end up hurting you if you don’t have a presence on one of these websites. You should also know that maintaining a social media presence isn’t going to be sufficient. You’ll also need to promote your pages with a combination of paid and engaging posts with your audience. Ideally, these should be done daily, but if you’re on a tight budget, you can also switch to alternate days for paid and engaging posts.

Getting penalized for not optimizing your website for search engines

In case you didn’t know, SEO plays an important part to help bring your website up in the rankings. One of them has to do with making your website responsive. Other ways involve optimizing it for the right keywords.

Suffering for not making your website dynamic

There was a time when you could effortlessly rank in search engines by stuffing your website with keywords in different areas of a page. Now, things are a whole lot different. In order to bring more visitors to your website and help promote that product or service, you’ll need quality content. A blog section helps curate that content, so you’ll need to publish articles on what makes your product or service stand out.

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