We have tons of social networks and everyone loves to be updated with each one of them. Instagram is one of the top ones from the list and people use it in may ways to promote their brands, products and even themselves. There may be times when you need more than one Instagram account in order to manage your business. Now I’m a kind of person who likes to stick to one email, so all my social networks are easily accessible.
So today, I am going to show you how to create second Instagram account with the same email ID which you created the first one. Yes, you can use the same old Gmail, Outlook or Hotmail email account to create multiple Instagram accounts. So without much further ado, let’s get on with the guide.
How Many Instagram Accounts Can You Create?
You can create upto 5 Instagram accounts using different email ID as per the regulations. Yes, there is no hard and fast rule that you can only create a maximum of 2 Instagram accounts.
Now in order to create multiple Instagram accounts using the same email ID, you need to follow the steps given below in an orderly manner. There are some shortcomings with this hack which I will discuss in the next section.
There are 2 possible ways in which you can trick the Instagram app and use the same email address for creating the second Instagram account. Here are the possibilities:
Using Gmail ID
- If your email ID is youremail@gmail.com, you can use your.email@gmail.com. Instagram will treat this as different from your original email however, when an email is sent to Gmail’s servers it will route it to your inbox. You can use either a period or a plus sign. You can use this trick repeatedly on a particular site by changing the position of the period so that your.email@gmail.com can be used in one instance and yo.uremail@gmail.com can be used in another.
Using Outlook/Hotmail ID
- If you use Outlook.com/Hotmail, make an alias by clicking Your Info > Mange your sign-in email address > Add email alias
- Once done, you can use that alias to sign up for the new Instagram account but the email address used will be actually the same old one since you created an alias (check this article for detailed info on how to create an alias)
Steps to Create Second Instagram Account with Same Email
- Login to your Instagram Account
- Go to your profile
- Tap on the triple-dot icon at the top right corner of the screen
- Scroll down to the end of the menu and choose “Add account“
- Click on “Sign up” at the bottom of the screen
- You will be given a choice to use phone number or Email id to register, choose to sign up using the “Email“
- Enter the email ID (Gmail/Outlook/Hotmail) with the trick I discussed in the above section and press on “Next“
- Enter your “Full Name” & “Password” for this new account
- Choose your new “username” and you are good to go.
You can now connect your Facebook account to the new Instagram account and specify the Facebook page which you would like to connect to further.
Shortcomings: My Advice
Now if you will ask me, I would recommend you to create an all new email account to create new Instagram accounts. Why? Well, there are some strong reasons why you should avoid creating multiple Instagram accounts using the same email ID. Here are they:
- Instagram’s hacked account recovery process involves the use of the original sign up email
- They expect/want any given person to only have one personal Instagram account
- When they are sending “important” information regarding your account, it will lead to confusions. (eg. password changes etc.)
We come to an end of this guide. I hope you liked this sweet trick which I shared with you all to create a second or multiple Instagram accounts with the same email ID. I would urge you to comment below if you are facing any problems or if you want me to write on something which you think can help you. Do share this guide if you enjoyed it so other can benefit from this as well. Thanks for reading!
I actually created several accounts with the same email and / or same phone number….. thing is I somehow got logged out of all accounts and can’t remember the passwords to each one. When I request a reset link it keeps resending it for one account only. How do I get it for the other accounts as well?
Have you found a solution?
I’m having the same problem.