Secret Tips to Making Your Mac Safer

Apple computers are vulnerable to malware if not well protected. Contrary to popular belief, Macs can get hacked or infected with deadly viruses, such as spyware, Trojans, and ransomware. For instance, if Yahoo keeps hijacking your Chrome browser, it may be a sign of a malware attack. Thus, it is imperative to know how to remove Yahoo Search from Chrome to keep your Mac safe. 

Apart from installing reliable antivirus software from trusted security companies, you can also learn other methods of securing your machine. Focus on privacy settings and enable all security features. Here are a few tips to help you prevent malware attacks and methods for securing your machine. 


Install an Antivirus 

As much as Macintosh computers are less vulnerable to viruses, you need a stand-alone antivirus that prevents all sorts of threats. Ensure that you purchase a Mac antivirus from a reliable cybersecurity company. Do not underestimate the malware threats even if your machine is at high performance and carry out regular scanning to find and eliminate viruses.

Use a Standard Account

When configuring your new Mac, you can set up two accounts, an administrator and a standard account. The admin can perform numerous actions like installing software, which is quite risky. You might delete a file or install a malicious app without knowing, thus opening pathways for malware attacks. On the other hand, a standard account has limited permissions to access and perform actions. So, access your Mac using the standard account to be safe from virus attacks.

Avoid Flash Player

Most cybersecurity companies advise users to avoid installing Adobe Flash Player. It is a dangerous app that might compromise your Mac since it asks for regular updates. If it is a dormant app in your system, uninstall it manually or use the Adobe Flash Uninstaller. 

Use Strong Passwords

If you want to prevent hackers from gaining access to your Mac easily, ensure that you create complicated passwords. Strong, unique passwords will keep your computer safe since they are hard to crack. Ensure that you write the password down and keep it safe in case you forget.  

Two-way Firewall

Apple provides an in-built firewall in all its machines for protection against virus attacks. However, the inbound firewalls are not sufficient since they do not prevent all malware attacks. With advances in new viruses and hackers gaining more knowledge in attacking computers, you need to install an outbound firewall to improve security. Two-way firewalls provide adequate protection since they prevent both inbound virus attacks and outward threats. No hacker will gain access to your Mac, and no data will leak to unauthorized individuals.

Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)

If you are out having coffee with a friend and get free public Wi-Fi, ensure that you bypass it using the VPN software. It has advanced encryption technology that protects your computer from malicious attacks. Public networks open vulnerable loopholes that allow hackers to steal sensitive details from your Mac.

Avoid Pirated Software

Do not install pirated software on your Mac because it is illegal and risky. This software is open-source, which means that it is available in the public domain, and downloading the app exposes your personal data to online hackers. Ensure that you purchase legit software from trusted developers.

Have a Backup Plan

Ensure that you have a backup solution in several locations in case of a malware attack. You can use the cloud, external hard drives, or any other convenient backup plan that suits your needs. It is a helpful method of storing and retrieving personal data when a disaster occurs – not only from viruses but also unavoidable circumstances, such as data corruption, fire, or theft.

You can also set up two machines to synchronize them with automatic updates and a bootable backup.

Although there are numerous methods of protecting your Mac, the tips mentioned above can help you prevent malware attacks. Select several security measures and implement them in your machine to keep hackers at bay. Enhance the privacy and keep your Mac safe from virus attacks and other online threats.


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